A Gastroenterologist is a specialist Doctor with dedicated training and unique experience in the management of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (Mouth to Anus) in addition to the liver, pancreas and gall bladder. They often perform endoscopes to examine digestive health and are experienced in diagnosing and managing a range of digestive conditions and diseases.
Our medical team supports patients through the diagnosis and treatment of many different gastrointestinal disorders, including:
How can you see a Gastroenterologist?
A referral is required to see our Gastroenterologists. If you suspect that you have some digestive issues or you have a change in abdominal or bowel symptoms, first go and have a check up with your GP. Your GP will then either refer you for a consultation with a Gastroenterologist or consider an open access endoscopy.
We are experienced and qualified Doctors in the diagnosis and treatment of all digestive diseases - so you can be sure in receiving the best care possible.